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Tips to Follow for Designing an SEO Friendly Website

Simon Hopes883 28-Nov-2018

SEO friendly web design plays a crucial role in improving the search engine visibility of a website. Due to this reason, professional web designers are always recommended to keep the on-page SEO techniques in mind when designing a website. It will help them to design a site which will be appreciated by human users and search engines.

Tips to Follow for Designing an SEO Friendly Website

Here it is important for designers to understand the fact that they can't sacrifice the aesthetics of their website over its functionality and vice versa. If you do so, then you will end up ruining the performance of your site. In this post, we will reveal some of the best web designing tips that will help you to create an SEO friendly website and enable you to improve the search engine visibility of your business.

SEO for Images
Most of the marketers think that SEO is all about optimizing the content of a website. However, if you want to optimize your website at an advanced level, then you also have to optimize the images of your site. You can address this issue by using alt text. By using alt text with all the images of your site, you will help search engines to understand the content of your images. It is always recommended to use the target keywords as alt text. It will help you to improve the SEO ranking of your website.

Create Great Navigation
By creating great navigation, you will help your visitors to find the page that they are looking for. It will encourage your visitors to stick with your site. In this way, you will be able to reduce your bounce rate and improve your SEO ranking. So, you have to pay special attention for creating site navigation which will be direct, clear and easy to use.

Use JavaScript Sparingly
JavaScript is a high-level programming language that designers use to make their website more beautiful and functional. Meanwhile, it is also important to understand the fact that Google and other search engine crawlers find it really difficult to go through JavaScript files. Due to this reason, it is always recommended to use JavaScript sparingly. If you don’t do this, then search engine crawlers will face difficulties when indexing your site. It will directly affect your SEO ranking. So, it is always suggested to use JavaScript carefully when designing a website.

Use Small Images
Owners are also recommended to use small images when designing a site. It will help them to improve the load speed of their website. Here it is important to understand the fact that not all the designers have the ability to design an iconic website by using small images. Many companies offer services like website design in Melbourne as well as in the other cities in the world. You can hire one of them to design the mock-up of your site. But before making your final hiring decision, you have to ensure that they will help you to design a beautiful site without making it bulky.
So, these are some of the most useful tips that you need to follow for designing an SEO friendly website.

Updated 28-Nov-2018

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